Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur

The Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur, 200 kilometers northwest of Dhaka was founded in the 7th century. It is the largest single Buddhist monastery in the India subcontinent and is also known as the Somapura Mahavira, the Great Monastery. It was a renowned intellectual center from the 7th century until the 17th century. Its layout is perfectly adapted to its religious function.This monastery-city represents a unique artistic achievement which has influenced Buddhist architecture as far away as Cambodia.It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1985 at the 9th session of the 21-member international committee.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A visit to the national zoo

On last Friday I went to the national zoo at Mirpur.I went there by bus.My friend Sami was with me.At first I went to see crocodiles kept in a small pond.It was then swimming in water.I also saw a gorila. The beak of the gorila is too long.I then went to see the deer. The eyes of the deer attracted me. I then went to the cages of tigers.They were very ferocious. Beside the cages of the tiger there were the cages of lions.The mane of the lion looked beautiful.then i went to the cage of bear. I got little frightened to see it.I got much pleasure to see the monkeys.They were chattering and jumping from one bar to another.My attention was next drawn to the cages of snakes.The snakes seemed to be asleep. I also saw donkey,  ziraf, zebra, elephant, different kinds of birds, panda, jungle man etc.I spent there for more than two hours. The environment was calm and quiet.I enjoyed the day much.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Visiting Bangladesh:Tips for foreigners

At the airport:
At the airport there are taxis and auto-rickshaws called babi-taxis, but you have to bargain for the fare. They demand three/four times more than the usual fare, even more when they see foreigners, especially Europeans. Taxicab services have been introduced but many taxis do not use meters and therefore you may be overcharged.

Driving: It is difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of driving here. Drivers change lanes frequently. As a foreigner you might find lane-changing without signals quite distressing. Many people do not follow traffic signals. Rickshaws and babi-taxis move in and out in zigzag course and try to push through wherever they wish. All these make driving in Bangladesh a nightmare experience.

Friendliness: Hospitality has long been a part of our culture in Bangladesh. Although many other thing are changing now people are still quite polite and friendly towards foreigners. They like speaking to foreigners even if they have not been introduced. It is quite common for Bangladeshis to ask personal questions about family, jobs and income which visitors from overseas might find awkward.However it should be understood that no harm is meant by such questions-on the other hand they express a genuine interest in the foreigner's state of affairs!  

Shopping: There are shops in most localities of small and big towns which sell both local and imported goods.There are some modern shopping centers with large department stores in the big cities while some air-conditional self-service shops have also appeared. In the local markets, traditional haggling is still rampant.However, if you are a foreigner, you do not stand a chance to win.Even if you have managed to reduce half the ashing price and are feeling very pleased with yourself, chance are that you have probably paid double the normal price.

Transport system: The whole country has a fairly good communicative network now.Anyway can travel to most places now by bus or train. The major cities have air links too.Some cities have regular flights, in most cases more than one flight , from and to Dhaka.However time schedule are not often maintained strictly and there may be disruptions due to unforeseen causes.   

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rever of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is country of revers. There have 230 revers across the Bangladesh.Podda, Magna, Jomuna, Kornofuli, Kortoya, Brommoputtro, Shitolokha, Titash, Turage, Vurigonga, Shurma, Kaptay are famous revers of Bangladesh. A lot of fish have in the revers of Bangladesh.Every rever is very beautiful and lovely in the Bangladesh.Many fisherman catch a lot of fish in the rever every day and fish sell in the market. The rever have beautiful flowers, fish, jenuk etc.The rever have lily flower which is national flower in the Bangladesh.Interesting thing is journey by boat on the rever that done maximum people in the Bangladesh. The blew of rever is very lovely. Water of the rever is very clean.The people them live in near the rever they are depended on the rever.They are body wash, clothes wash and washing the domestic animal of the rever.Their children for rever is swimingpul .A more interesting mater is swim on the rever.Villages, town shown very nice from the rever. The site of rever is green that more beautiful. Podda is big rever in Bangladesh.Water of Padda is clean.Get from Padda elesh fish that is national fish in Bangladesh.Magna is too big rever in Bangladesh.      

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Shat Gambuj Mosque

In mid-15th century a Muslim colony was founded in the inhospitable mangrove forest of the sundarbans near the seacoast in Bangladesh district by a saint Ulugh Khan Jahan.He was the earliest torchbearer of Islam in the south who laid the nucleus of an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah(1442-59) then known as 'Khalifatabad' (present Bagerhat). Khan Jahan adored his city with numerous mosques, tanks, roads and public buildings. The Shat Gambuj Masjid. The cartel fabric of the monument stands on the eastern bank of a vast sweet-water talk, clustered around by heavy foliage of a low-lying countryside characteristic of a seacoast landscape.

The mosque is roofed over with 77 squat domes including 7 chauhala or four-sided domes in the middle row. The vast prayer hall is provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for ventilation and light.It has 7 longitudinal aisles and 1 Ideep bays by a forest of slender stones columns. From these columns spring rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. The arches are six feet in thickness, have slightly tapering hollow and round walls.The interior and the exterior of the mosque give a view of rather plain architecture but the interior western wall of the mosque is beautiful decorated with terracotta flowers and foliage.    

Monday, April 18, 2011

The National Memorial of Bangladesh

The national memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation's respect for the martyrs of the war of liberation.
It is built with concrete but made of blood. It stands 150 feet tall but every martyr it stands for stands so much taller.It is an achievement the dimensions of  which can be but it stands for an achievement which is immeasurable.It stands upright for the millions of martyrs who laid down their lives so that Bengali nations  may stand upright in honor and dignity, amongst the nations of the world.

Most prominently visible is the 150 feet tower that stands on a base measuring 130 feet wide. There is actually a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to a height of 150 feet. The foundation was laid on the first anniversary of the victory day. There is actually a pain to build a huge complex in several phases.The entire complex will cover an area of 126 acres.The plan of complex includes a mosque, a library and a museum.The relics of the liberation war will be kept in the museum. They will ever remind our countrymen and all who would come to visit the museum of the valiant struggle and supreme sacrifices of a freedom living people. Here also will be a clear warning to all oppressors that the weapons of freedom need not be very big and that oppression will always be defeated. The will of people prevails for man is born to be free.The most moving sight of the complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters:close to the tower. Standing in front of the graves we bow down our heads in respect as the towers soar up symbolizing the loftiness of their spirit

visit bangladesh

There is no country like our Bangladesh in the world.It is in south-east Asia. It is a nice country and its area is 1,47,570 square kilometers.About fourteen crore people live in our country.We struggle for nine mouths to make our country free from the deplorable occupation of Pakistani rulers.At last our country become independent in 1971 from the invader.Bangladesh is an agricultural country and many kinds of crops grow here. We grow rice, jute, tea, wheat, sugar-cane in our country. Jute and tea are our cash crops. we earn foreign exchanges by exporting them. Muslims,Hindus, and Christians all the people of different communities live here together in peace.Most of them are religious.The people of our country are famous for hospitality.I love my country and I am proud of her

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